Album tracks:
1. Inventemos un país – Let’s invent a country
2. Punta de lanza – Spear tip
3. Dos tigres – Two tigers
4. Caracol – Snail
5. En tí – In you
6. Presente – Present
7. Agua clara – Clear Water
8. Cierra los ojos – Close your eyes
9. Canta musa – The song of the muse
10. Fantasma en la ciudad – Ghost in the city
11. El doliente – The mourning
12. Caminar – Walk
13. Aún creo en la belleza – I still believe in beauty
“[Nano] consolidates his ever-burgeoning reputation with another top-class album that’s replete with melodic beauty and poetic passion…… The maestro’s ultra-soulful singing (in passionate, atmospheric Spanish) and virtuosity on guitar and violin is never less than mesmeric.”
- Tony Hillier, The Week End Australian July 2022
The video Aún creo en la belleza is directed by Chilean artist Luis Emilio Briceño. It interprets the abstract suggested by the song and explores the infinite universe of stop-motion. Stern says about Briceño “it feels to me that he is more of a choreographer than a filmmaker. He captures the essence of movement”.
Aún creo en la belleza
(I still believe in beauty)
Chilean singer songwriter Nano Stern explores the simple and subtle sounds of his inner worlds and landscapes. The album features 13 songs and the collaboration of 3 important guest artists: Raly Barrionuevo from Argentina, Omar Camino from Peru and Magdalena Matthey from Chile.
About this record, Stern points out that “it has an eclectic sound that relates to abstract realities, many of which are not dependent on the overwhelming urgency of everyday life in the past years.” He adds, “the overall feeling of the album is a result of the long months of quarantine; and the instruments that give the album its color are those that live with me in my home”.
The release’s title track, “Aún creo en la belleza” (I still believe in beauty), is a manifesto of sorts: “Beauty is something incredibly difficult to define, but it has at least two dimensions; an esthetic and an ethic one. There is an esthetic enchantment associated with the beauty of forms - poetic, musical, etc- but furthermore, there is an ethical approach to what is beautiful that gives the album coherence. If you listen to the title track’s lyrics you can sense a personal point of view of what is beautiful; in a broad sense, it is a vindication of beauty that ranges from the valorization of craft and dedication to a series of attitudes that I consider beautiful” says Nano.